Saturday, February 07, 2009

The Bridge

Where are we going?
Why the fast pace...?
My feet are tired,
My head is exhausted
No way out
Back to square one
Against my will
But under my consent
Even though I've never been here before
This bridge looks so familiar
It brings me so many memories
Of you and me, apart
Caution, the floor is wet
And we might fall, again
All over again
Can't you see?
This is complicated
And loops make crazy
Tonight, I realize
You brought me here
Why did I let you?
'Cause I've let you
Why did I let myself?
I want to run as far as I can
Even if I slip on my way out
I don't care
I've broken my nose before
But I need to burn this bridge
Even if it's the only way to you
The one bridge that once united us
Is the one bridge that divide us
Once more, divided.

Omar Pérez-Then
Conconcito Publishing©
7 Feb. '09

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean. Against ones will but our will is meant to be conscious. So, when things are complicated and the loops are crazy, it's probably a sign that it's not right - listening to ones instincts isn't always easy. We get caught up in the moment, does it feel good? Is it right? When Lord knows what is occurring under the other person's mind; we are left clueless. People usually say, don't burn bridges, there's a reason for that. In a country where bridges are always reconstructed and rebuilt to be strong - never underestimating the power of a bridge, it's a bridge, it connects two, two worlds, it cannot be ignored so running was probably the best. What a great reading. Once divided, probably never united to begin with, as you said, complicated. Careful, one may fall and one may get burned, wet floors lead to slips. You asked why the fast pace? No question was better...thanks again for sharing this post, continue writing friend. The Lord always knows.