Wednesday, July 15, 2009


Maybe there was no other way out
Maybe we lost our way
What ever is the reason you don't want to stay
I need to hear it from you so I can say
"Maybe it's the best for us to go our separate ways"

The coffees and kisses we shared

Maybe there was nothing special between us
Maybe we never lost something worth to save
I feel I've wasted my time and many eggs
Over breakfasts and nonsense
Maybe would the best for us to go our separate ways

Omar Perez-Then
15 July 2009
Conconcito Publishing©


Anonymous said...

Maybe it was not a wasted of time but a learning experience, maybe next time you put your self up there, you find what are you seeking for because you are a good person.

Unknown said...

It was probably for the best. There will be other opportunities for more eggs...when something is right and real, it remains and stays, when it's not, it's compromised, that's just the way love goes.